five-dysfunctions-of-a-team-largeTeamwork is the single most untapped competitive advantage for any organization. Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare. A good team is a precious thing. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team workshop, really brings to light how to get a good team together and working well. You know when you are apart of a good team and when the team needs work. The Five Dysfunctions program creates powerful teams!

This powerful two day workshop takes teams in all stages of their development to a higher level of performance.

This powerful model, with its actionable steps in the and of our highly skilled team coaches helps your intact teams overcome the five common problems that prevent most teams from performing at their best: Absence of Trust, Fear of Conflict, Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of Accountability, Inattention to Results

This workshop is for intact teams and it ensures teams gel quicker , take qualified risks easier, use disagreement and debate to advance performance and utilise the power of focused communication.

Overview of the Five Dysfunctions

  1. Lack of trust — When they don’t trust each other, team members are afraid to communicate honestly and openly. They hide their real thoughts and feelings. They are unwilling to take responsibility for fear of making mistakes. If team members cannot communicate honestly, they cannot possibly build a platform of trust.
  2. Fear of confrontation — When they don’t trust each other, teammates are reluctant to confront each other. Because they hide their feelings and do not communicate, they cannot engage in constructive conflict and debate. Discussion is muted, indirect and vapid. Ideas don’t get worked through. Progress stalls and the team is ineffective.
  3. Absence of commitment — When team members are not committed to the team and the project, they just go through the motions of attending meetings and appearing to follow up. They do not seize opportunities. Progress stalls.
  4. Absence of accountability — When team members don’t trust each other, won’t dis- cuss things honestly and aren’t committed, they don’t hold each other to a standard of accountability. Thus, efforts lack focus, energy dissipates and everything unaccount- ably, but predictably, falls apart.
  5. Failure to focus on goals — Members of a dysfunctional team pursue personal or departmental agendas instead of the team’s goal. They may be out to score ego points or undercut a rival, but whatever their object is, it isn’t what the team needs to do.
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Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Audience – Team Leaders, Managers and Team members.
Contact Us!Duration – Can be conducted as a 1 day and 2 day program

Program Benefits:

  • Assess their cohesiveness against The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
  • Understand and implement the requirements of a high-performing team
  • Better understand the benefits of engaging in healthy conflict
  • Create clarity around the organisation’s purpose, strategy and Goals.
  • Ensure alignment and commitment among team members.
  • Gain a sense of momentum, energy and enthusiasm for the future