
When the pressure is on to meet targets and managers are rushed off their feet, coaching is usually the first task to get dropped. Yet coaching is essential to building successful teams. Coaching can even be seen as fluffy and unnecessary by ‘old school’ managers. Even if your management team understands the importance of nurturing the best out of their team, coaching can often be done in an unstructured and ineffective manner.
Well not anymore. With this training course you’ll have all the tools you need to deliver an engaging and effective Coaching Skills for Managers workshop.

The benefits your management team will gain from your training are tremendous.

They will be able to:

  • Improve the individual skill levels of their team members.
  • Ensure everyone in their team is operating at equally high standards.
  • Understand individual strengths and weaknesses, to help shape team dynamics.
  • Get to know individual work styles, to more easily gain consensus for common goals.
    Structure coaching efforts for maximum effect.
  • Support their team members in their learning, enabling them to develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to successfully deliver their job responsibilities and goals.
Contact Us!

Coaching Skills for Managers

Audience – Team leaders, Supervisors and Managers.
Contact Us!Duration – 1 Day

Program Outline:

  • A review of what coaching is and the key skills required of a good coach.
  • A look at the role of the manager and how coaching fits into this.
  • Examining the environment in which positive coaching can take place.
  • Providing participants with a set structure to create a results driven environment.
  • Learn about the GROW model and ways to use it in coaching.
  • Looking at different questioning methods.
  • Understanding what active listening is and how to ensuring they use
  • Creating an action plan to embed learning.