
Do you ever find yourself lose focus and switch from one task to next, without completing the first? Do you worry about not completing your tasks on time and find ways to rush through the task in an effort to complete it. It’s easy for most of us to become distracted from time to time, but there are several ways to calm your mind so that you can achieve what you’ve set out to do.

Try these strategies to increase your focus and boost your productivity:

  1. Work on the most demanding or difficult task. If you have a difficult or tedious task to complete, you might be tempted to put it off. We tend to procrastinate difficult tasks hoping to finish it when we have more time in hand or when we have all the resources. Procrastinating can increase your stress, which makes it harder to focus on completing the task. So getting an early start on boring or demanding work lowers your stress and helps you to stay focused. The normal reaction is to pick up easy tasks and that gives a false sense of completion. So go for the tough tasks. This one tip will increase your productivity quickly.
  1. Use a timer and work a 25-minute time slot and then take a break. A timer is a wonderful tool for focusing your mind on the task at hand. Try it and you’ll see how much it helps. A timer seems to be especially effective for those with attention and focus challenges. However, if your work is particularly long or physically demanding, you can maintain greater focus by taking frequent breaks. Setting the 25-minute time slot will keep you focused on the task without any distraction and then a break will help you recharge. You are able to achieve more by following this 25-minute-work-and-break process. The important thing is that during the 25-minute work all other things must be put aside, including phone calls and emails. .
  1. Encourage mindfulness in your work. Mindfulness means to use all your senses and become aware of the environment, the people around you, the objects in your area and everything else. When you practice mindfulness in a group setting it helps you resolve conflict quickly. We listen to each other and speak tactfully and directly. In addition to improving your communication, mindfulness sharpens your thinking. Your cognitive abilities grow and you perform better even when you’re under pressure. You experience more contentment when you stay in the moment and give your full attention to what you’re doing
  1. Avoid Perfection. Would you prefer that you complete a task quickly or work on it till it is done to perfection? When we aim for perfection our productivity drops as we spend too much time and attention on one task. Ask yourself how good it needs to be and refrain from doing significantly more. Being a perfectionist slows down your progress, causes stress and also due to fear of failure avoid trying new things. When you try to achieve perfection your decisions suffer as you never make a decision. So act decisively and ask yourself how much time should you spend on a task before you move on the next.
  1. Make a to-do list and prioritize. A to-do list forces you to focus on the tasks that are important. Once you have your to-do list put it in the order of priority – ABC analysis. Which are the top 3 -4 items that you have to complete and which tasks can be done later. Keep the list in a place where you can see and check off when completed.
    Create your to-do list the day before instead of waking up and trying to figure out how you’re going to spend your day. Once you write down your to-do list think about it as you are getting ready to sleep. Since you already know the tasks that you have to work for that day you will be more productive as you have your day planned. While it is such an important and simple tool, surprisingly many people do not make a to-do list. A to-do list keeps you focused on the important tasks and keeps your organized and focused.
  1. While productivity will increase when we follow the above we also must adopt a healthy lifestyle. Being in good health reduces stress and makes it easier to concentrate on your work.
  • Adopting a healthy diet will give you the nutrients that you need for your mind and body to operate at peak performance. When you’re full of energy boosting nutrients, you’re less likely to feel distracted.
  • Outdoor activities like walking and other moderately physical activities can help you clear your mind. Walking also increases the blood flow to your brain, which can boost your ability to focus.
  • Getting enough sleep each day gives you the energy and helps you to stay alert through the day.
  • Drink plenty of water each day. Dehydration can sap your energy and ability to think clearly.

Random thoughts and interruptions don’t have to derail your concentration and prevent you from completing your work. Learning how to eliminate distractions and focus your attention will help you lower your stress and finish tasks.