“Goal Setting is probably the most important activity that you can learn in order to improve your self-confidence”

goals word in metal type

Goals help build self-confidence

We all think about our goals and start our year setting personal goals. But do we achieve the goals?

Do you remember any goals that you have set for yourself?  How successful were you in achieving those goals? I am sure some of you persisted in achieving your goals and some of the others were not so successful.

When we set our organizational goals we achieve it very often, due to continuous focus by the management and there is linkage to rewards and bonus. When it comes to Personal Goals there is no one pressuring us, no one reminding us about the deadlines and there are no visible monetary rewards or material gains so we procrastinate achieving our personal goals. While we know the importance of goal setting we are not so committed on achieving it.

Goal setting provides a means for determining what you want out of life. People who invest the time necessary to write meaningful goals and act on it achieve more. Achieving goals are important for your success and your confidence.

Achieving goals don’t happen by accident but with determination and perseverance to overcome obstacles. You have to be passionate about achieving your goals and stay strong and determined.

Avoid these mistakes and you will successfully reach your goals.

Making a long list of goals

When you set too many goals you lose focus on achieving your goals as you are overwhelmed with them and give up even before you  start working on your goal.  Too many goals leads to confusion as well as take up too much of your time and resources.  Goals should inspire you into action and not a wish list that you want to have one day. 

When you have a big goal then break it down it smaller chunks that are easy to achieve and you will stay motivated to achieve  your goal.

Having goals that aren’t meaningful to you

A meaningful goal motivates you to achieve that goal. So what does it mean to have a meaningful goal? A meaningful goal must impact your life in some way, it must align with your values. If not you will not make an effort to achieve it. It will be a wish list which you think of working on when you have time. Ask yourself questions like “Why do you want this goal? What will it give you? Will there be a change in your life?  How will I feel once I achieve this goal? 

Setting a meaning goal also means being specific with your goals.. An effective goal is specific and has an end point. Let’s say you want a set a goal  “I want to lose weight” or “I want to get fit” so how do you know you have lost weight or fitter then before. There is no way to measure such goals as they are mere statements. When you set a goal it has to be more specific such as “I want to lose 10 pounds weight in 4 months” Specific goals help you measure your progress. It keeps you motivated as you are able to measure the progress. What are the chances of achieving specific goals? 100% Ask yourself open-ended questions like What, Why, When, Where, Which and How to set specific goals.

Not having a plan to achieve your goal

When we set a goal we also have to put action steps on achieving this goal. We have to action on that goal by setting smaller goals and timelines to achieve the big goals. If we miss this important step we will fail in achieving our goal.

What does it mean to have a plan? Planning means know what to do. Let’s take this goal  “I want to lose 10 pounds in 4 months”. Just by thinking about this goal will not help you achieve it, you have to break into smaller goals with specifics such as the exercise regimen you will follow, the diet you will follow, whether you will hire a personal fitness coach and such actions. When you have your action steps ready you will be able to visualise yourself achieving your goal and that will motivate you to stay on track.

Having a plan also means getting into the habit of writing your goals. When you ask people what goal they have set ,the answer is “Yes it is in my head”. A goal that is in your head is just a thought, a dream. To turn the goal into reality you have to take it out of your head and put it on a paper. A goal that you can constantly see, read and a goal that reminds you about its existence as a real being. When you write down your goals and remind yourself everyday, it gets registered in your sub-conscious and now the chances of achieving it is higher. So maintain a journal and write your goals and action steps.

Setting a timeline that is unrealistic

We are always in a rush to achieve our goals due to various reasons.  In doing so we set timelines that are not realistic. Firstly have a deadline to achieve the goal and then the deadline should challenge and motivate you to achieve your goal. Setting realistic timeline helps you become aware of roadblocks and prepare you to remove them. Unrealistic timeline can demotivate and discourage you.

Setting and achieving your goals gives you immense satisfaction. But setting effective goals takes practice, and it’s important to avoid making these common goal-setting mistakes. Avoid these mistakes and you greatly increase the odds of realising success!

Stay determined!