New Year Resolutions_7

If you asked me for my New Year resolution, it would be to find out who I am – Cyril Cusack

A new year gives you the opportunity to make resolutions that will add excitement to your life and add some shine to your upcoming year. The goals you write for the next year matter, so consider your resolutions carefully and follow them right till the end of the year.

Consider these resolutions to fill your life with more excitement and hope:

1. Write down your goals for the upcoming year. Goals add purpose to your life and motivate you to work on something that is important.

2. Find one hobby that will add excitement to your life. What do you love doing? Find out what adds passion to your life and develop it into a hobby.

3. Go for a walk in the forest. It is important to enjoy nature and explore new things.

4. Join your local community. Volunteer and help a local community – whether it is about charity or developing the infrastructure in your area, or cleaning up a lake or educating people on managing waste.

5. Express your appreciation to others. Ensure that others know that you appreciate their efforts. Make people feel good. Send thank you notes to friends and family who have made some difference in your life.

6. Focus on things that are Important in life . Know the difference between tasks that are important and those that are urgent. Focus on activities that support what’s most important to you. Important things bring satisfaction and fulfillment.

7. Exercise regularly. Exercise helps fight stress and increases energy. It can also improve your mood and most important keeps you fit.

8. Keep your mind active. An active mind keeps the creative juice flowing and any mental stimulation is energizing. Read a book, learn a language, play golf, join a course or do a crossword puzzle.

9. Spend time with your family. Instead of sitting and watching TV or using your smartphone, find more time to spend with your family. Spend time playing with your children and indulge in activities that make them happy..

10. Be aware of your emotions. Watch your mood swings and particularly be aware of anger. Anger drains our energy and lowers our productivity. Even the people around become miserable. Learn to relax by breathing through the stomach.

11. Find time for yourself. We devote our time to family, friends, colleagues, boss and everyone except for ourselves. Take time out yourself by indulging in a massage, go for a walk alone, watch the world go by as you sip coffee in a your favourite café or listen to your favourite music. This time is for yourself and not to be shared with anyone.

12. Get enough sleep. Sleep is key to good health. You will be in a good mood all the time, concentrate better, make better decisions and be less stressed. There are a number of benefits of sleep so don’t cut down on your sleep time.

13. Stay present in the moment and stay positive. Life will be less stressful when we enjoy the present moment and not worry too much about the future or think about the past. And look for a positive thing in every situation.

14. Reconnect with friends you have not contacted for long. Life moves at such a fast pace that sometimes we lose touch with old friends. Is there anyone that you have not spoken for the last few years and now not sure how the friend will respond? Don’t worry, just pick up the phone and call, or send that email. You will be glad that you did.

15. Be the authentic you. Don’t try to make others happy. Be your natural self and you will achieve more satisfaction and success.

New Year’s resolutions can be a powerful way to alter the direction of your entire year. They can also transform your life. Pick a few of these resolutions that resonate with you and enjoy the happy life you deserve!